Kien hemm min ilmentali li jixtieq li kultant dan il-blogg ma jkunx bil-Malti biss. Għalhekk se nibda billi, bl-Ingliż, ngħid fil-qosor x’inhuwa dan il-CLIMATEGATE. Il quddiem nista’ ninkludi wkoll siltiet bit-Taljan.
By now I am sure that many are well-versed on this Climategate scandal. If not, let me sum it up real quickly: Someone hacked into a Climate Research Unit at the University of East Anglia, UK and discovered that the scientists had been manipulating and/or hiding data in order to support their fake global warming theory.
Sound about right? I mean, you can read all of the articles and details for yourself (links below)... but the bottom line is that these climate scientists have made a mockery out of their profession.
So ... let's see. Just what do these emails show? Well, how about plugging in false temperatures to research data in order to either show a warming where there was none, or to hide a cooling trend? Yup! It's all detailed in the emails. You can also read about plots and efforts to demean or denigrate any climate scientists who disagreed or strayed from the man-made global warming dogma.
You can even find emails where the death of a global warming skeptic was celebrated and suggestions that it would be nice if someone would find another way to send some more skeptics to their eternal celestial dirt nap. Perhaps the scariest revelation to come from this scandal is the fact that peer reviews failed to keep the science honest ... that other scientists were essentially in cahoots to spread false science: global warming.
Now here's what's amazing. We now have some pretty serious evidence that these "scientists" who have been pushing this global warming horsesqueeze on us have an agenda that is only loosely connected with any desire to be truthful. There's an agenda at work here.
You can draw your own conclusions, but I think the ultimate goal here is to establish some sort of international wealth seizure and redistribution program. Productive people aren't going to fall for such a scheme if it is sold to them on the basis of some illusory "fairness" or the need to care for the "less fortunate."
But if you can con these people into believing that the very survival of the human species is at stake, well ... you can get them to go along with anything. Massive international tax and spend schemes? Well ... OK, if that's what we need to do to “save the planet”.
Question: Now that you've heard and read about these emails ... are you still a firm global warming believer? More info here:
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